Who is Hunter Jacobs?
April 18, 2025
9:12 PM
From: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
To: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
Subject: Something weird
Hey Steve. Okay, sorry if this sounds crazy, but I needed someone to talk to about this. Something weird is going on. I didn’t want to talk to my parents about it, because they’re already so freaked out about me all the time ever since the accident.
Bear with me, because some of this may sound like the ramblings of a crazy person, but I just need to start with some simple information to make sure I’m not losing my mind. Here’s what I know: my name is Hunter Jacobs. I’m sixteen years old; I have two sisters and a brother, they’re all older; my mom’s name is Janice, and my dad is Gregg; I got my first car six months ago… it’s a POS, but it’s mine.
My first memory is of playing with the neighbor kid back in Wisconsin. We were in his front yard, and he had a sword. A freaking real sword, even though he was only eight. I was three and I had a cookie in my mouth. I refused to spit it out when that idiot sliced my cheek. There was blood everywhere. Our parents were talking at the fence, but they weren’t paying any attention to us until they heard our screams.
I have a lot of other memories too, but here’s the thing. I’m pretty sure none of them are real. Or at least a lot of them aren’t. I mean, shit, I don’t know what’s real at this point. You see, I found out this morning that I’m dead. Well, not me exactly. Obviously I’m not dead, but Hunter Jacobs is dead. I found the proof yesterday in my parents’ room. They have my… his? Death certificate in their safe… never mind why I was snooping in there.
Okay yeah, I got into a bad car wreck a few months ago, and I was in a coma for almost a month. But I didn’t die. So why do my parents have a death certificate from the day of the accident with my name on it?
At first I thought maybe I died for like a couple minutes, and they brought me back. But no, they don’t give death certificates for that.
Here’s the other weird thing I noticed recently. I am really fast now. I’ve been on the track team since Freshman year, and I’ve been running all my life, but I’ve never been this fast. How did I recover from the accident so fast without so much as a limp? I don’t get tired either. I feel like I could run forever. I do get tired at night, but never because of physical exhaustion. It’s more like clockwork. I started keeping a log when I noticed something was weird. So far, I have started getting sleepy at exactly 9:00 every night, and I don’t have a single tick mark in my log past 10:05. Isn’t that weird?
Here’s the weirdest thing of all. My scar is gone. I had this weird condition as a baby called pyloric stenosis that caused me to projectile vomit almost every time I ate. I had surgery to fix it when I was only four weeks old. I’ve had the scar on my stomach all my life. So where is it? Where is the scar?! Scars don’t just disappear.
All this weird crap has forced me to consider some pretty outrageous possibilities. Am I a clone? Impossible. I’m pretty sure cloning technology exists, but I don’t think science has figured out how to make someone rapidly age 16 years. What then? Resurrected? Get real.
There’s only one possibility left. If I’m not a clone, and I’m not undead, I must be some kind of robot. There’s all kinds of things wrong with this idea too, though. If I’m a robot, where are my metal parts? Why do I still get hungry? Why do I still poop?!
So many questions. Not enough answers. I’m going to talk to my parents and then I’ll write you back.
April 18, 2025
9:41 PM
From: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
To: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Something weird
Hey Hunter. Dude, what the hell are you talking about? Are you okay? I just texted you. Call me, man.
Sent from Steve’s iPhone. Black Ops VI state champ.
April 28, 2025
4:16 PM
From: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
To: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
Subject: WTF?!
Hunter, what the fuck man? What is going on with you? First you write me this totally insane email about how you’re dead or some shit. You say you’re going to talk to your parents, and then you never write or call me back. You don’t show up at school all last week, and then today when you finally come in, you act like you don’t even know me! Like we haven’t been best friends since third grade. This isn’t cool, man. And if it’s some kind of prank, it isn’t funny. Knock it off and quit being an asshole. Call me.
Sent from Steve’s iPhone. Black Ops VI state champ.
April 28, 2025
9:08 PM
From: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
To: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: WTF?!
Look man, I don’t know where you got my email address, or why you’re harassing me, but I need you to leave me alone. I’ll get the school involved if I have to. Back off.
April 28, 2025
9:10 PM
From: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
To: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Re: WTF?!
What?! Okay wait a minute. I’m going to forward you the email you sent me last week. Hang on…
Sent from Steve’s iPhone. Black Ops VI state champ.
April 28, 2025
9:24 PM
From: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
To: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Fwd: Something weird
Hey man… what is this? I didn’t write this. How do you know that story about the sword and the cookie? Or the condition I had as a baby? I will admit I have noticed some weird things about myself lately. This is insane, but maybe I will go look for that death certificate just to be sure. I think I still know the code to their safe.
May 26, 2025
11:51 PM
From: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
To: Hunter Jacobs <hunter_360noscope@gmail.com>
Subject: Hope you are okay
Hey Hunter. Something tells me this message will come to you as a surprise, but I had to try to contact you anyway. I can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about you and that weird message. I heard you and your family moved to Colorado. I’m going to forward that message to you from last month again. If you still don’t know who I am, just please read it and get back to me if you need help. I hope everything is okay. I’m worried. Miss you, man.
Sent from Steve’s iPhone. Black Ops VI state champ.
May 26, 2025
11:51 PM
From: MAILER-DAEMON@plm57asmpt09-01.prod.px3.secureserver.net
To: Steven Chester <xxKingStevexx@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Hope you are okay
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